Results for 'Richard L. Hurwitz'

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  1.  63
    Channel structure and divalent cation regulation of phototransduction.Richard L. Hurwitz, Devesh Srivastava & Mary Y. Hurwitz - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):478-478.
    The identification of additional subunits of the cGMP-gated cation channel suggests exciting questions about their regulatory roles and about structure/functional relationships. How do the different subunits interact? How is the complex assembled into the plasma membrane? Divalent cations have been implicated in the regulation of adaptation. One often overlooked cation is magnesium. Could this ion play a role in phototransduction?
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    Medical ethics and the clinical curriculum: a case study.L. Doyal, B. Hurwitz & J. S. Yudkin - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (3):144-149.
    There are very few medical ethics courses in British medical schools which are a formal part of the clinical curriculum. Such a programme is described in the following, along with the way in which the long-term curriculum committee of the University College and Middlesex Hospital Joint Medical School was persuaded to make it compulsory for first-year students. Pedagogical lessons which have been learned in its planning and implementation are outlined and teaching materials are included concerning student and course assessment which (...)
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    An opponent-process theory of motivation: I. Temporal dynamics of affect.Richard L. Solomon & John D. Corbit - 1974 - Psychological Review 81 (2):119-145.
  4. Phenomenology, Logic, and the Philosophy of Mathematics.Richard L. Tieszen - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Offering a collection of fifteen essays that deal with issues at the intersection of phenomenology, logic, and the philosophy of mathematics, this 2005 book is divided into three parts. Part I contains a general essay on Husserl's conception of science and logic, an essay of mathematics and transcendental phenomenology, and an essay on phenomenology and modern pure geometry. Part II is focused on Kurt Godel's interest in phenomenology. It explores Godel's ideas and also some work of Quine, Penelope Maddy and (...)
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  5.  42
    Traumatic avoidance learning: the principles of anxiety conservation and partial irreversibility.Richard L. Solomon & Lyman C. Wynne - 1954 - Psychological Review 61 (6):353-385.
  6. Theories of Truth: A Critical Introduction.Richard L. Kirkham - 1992 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    Theories of Truth provides a clear, critical introduction to one of the most difficult areas of philosophy. It surveys all of the major philosophical theories of truth, presenting the crux of the issues involved at a level accessible to nonexperts yet in a manner sufficiently detailed and original to be of value to professional scholars. Kirkham's systematic treatment and meticulous explanations of terminology ensure that readers will come away from this book with a comprehensive general understanding of one of philosophy's (...)
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  7. After Godel: Platonism and Rationalism in Mathematics and Logic.Richard L. Tieszen - 2011 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Richard Tieszen presents an analysis, development, and defense of a number of central ideas in Kurt Gödel's writings on the philosophy and foundations of mathematics and logic. Tieszen structures the argument around Gödel's three philosophical heroes - Plato, Leibniz, and Husserl - and his engagement with Kant, and supplements close readings of Gödel's texts on foundations with materials from Gödel's Nachlass and from Hao Wang's discussions with Gödel. He provides discussions of Gödel's views, and develops a new type of (...)
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  8.  48
    Criminal record, character evidence, and the criminal trial*: Richard L. Lippke.Richard L. Lippke - 2008 - Legal Theory 14 (3):167-191.
    The question addressed here is whether evidence concerning defendants' past criminal records should be introduced at their trials because such evidence reveals their character and thus reveals whether they are the kinds of persons likely to have committed the crimes with which they are currently charged. I strongly caution against the introduction of such evidence for a number of reasons. First, the link between defendants' past criminal records and claims about their standing dispositions to think and act is tenuous, at (...)
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    Lawyers in the Dock: Learning From Attorney Disciplinary Procedings.Richard L. Abel - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    For more than a decade, American lawyers have bewailed the ethical crisis in their profession, wringing their hands about its bad image. But their response has been limited to spending money on public relations, mandating education, and endlessly revising ethical rules. In this book, Richard Abel will argue that these measures will do little or nothing to solve the problems illustrated by the six disciplinary case studies featured in this book unless the legal monopoly enjoyed by attorneys in the (...)
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  10.  51
    Diminished Opportunities, Diminished Capacities.Richard L. Lippke - 2003 - Social Theory and Practice 29 (3):459-485.
  11.  45
    Le Même et L'Autre.Richard L. Lanigan - 1989 - Semiotics:117-123.
  12. Mind in Science: A History of Explanations in Psychology and Physics.Richard L. Gregory - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (221):412-414.
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  13.  71
    Comments on L. E. Krueger's "Disconfirming evidence" of R. L. Gregory's theory of illusions.Richard L. Gregory - 1972 - Psychological Review 79 (6):540-541.
  14.  26
    Complementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing the Dream of Descartes, Einstein and Eccles.Richard L. Amoroso (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    The noetic model is the first theory of any kind to explain qualia in physical terms. The formal delineation of the life principle or élan vital explains not only the origin of self-organisation in living systems, providing the basis for the first comprehensive dualist theory, but also is what makes the model empirically testable allowing this volume to make history. The floodgates are about to open to almost unimaginable advances in the field of consciousness studies. This book introduces a comprehensive (...)
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    Editorial peer reviewers’ recommendations at a general medical journal: are they reliable and do editors care?Richard L. Kravitz, Peter Franks, Mitchell D. Feldman, Martha Gerrity, Cindy Byrne & William M. Tierney - 2010 - PLoS ONE 5 (4):e10072.
    Background: Editorial peer review is universally used but little studied. We examined the relationship between external reviewers' recommendations and the editorial outcome of manuscripts undergoing external peer-review at the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Methodology/Principal Findings: We examined reviewer recommendations and editors' decisions at JGIM between 2004 and 2008. For manuscripts undergoing peer review, we calculated chance-corrected agreement among reviewers on recommendations to reject versus accept or revise. Using mixed effects logistic regression models, we estimated intra-class correlation coefficients at the (...)
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  16. Punishment Drift: The Spread of Penal Harm and What We Should Do About It.Richard L. Lippke - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (4):645-659.
    It is well documented that the effects of legal punishment tend to drift to the family members, friends, and larger communities of convicted offenders. Instead of conceiving of punishment drift as incidental to legal punishment, or as merely foreseen but not intended by state authorities and thus permissible, I argue that efforts ought to be undertaken to limit or ameliorate it. Failure to confine punishment drift comes perilously close to punishment of the innocent and is at odds with other legal (...)
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  17. Revelation for Today. Images of Hope.Richard L. Jeske - 1983
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    The Postmodern Author: Foucault on Fiction and the Fiction of Foucault.Richard L. Lanigan - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (1):253-271.
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    (1 other version)Heidegger, Strauss, and the Premises of Philosophy: On Original Forgetting.Richard L. Velkley - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this groundbreaking work, Richard L. Velkley examines the complex philosophical relationship between Martin Heidegger and Leo Strauss. Velkley argues that both thinkers provide searching analyses of the philosophical tradition’s origins in radical questioning. For Heidegger and Strauss, the recovery of the original premises of philosophy cannot be separated from rethinking the very possibility of genuine philosophizing. Common views of the influence of Heidegger’s thought on Strauss suggest that, after being inspired early on by Heidegger’s dismantling of the philosophical (...)
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  20.  21
    Popular Art and Aesthetic Theory: Why the Muse Is Unembarrassed.Richard L. Anderson - 1990 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 24 (4):33.
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  21.  48
    Robert A. Larmer (ed.), Questions of miracle.Richard L. Purtill - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 43 (3):189-190.
  22.  20
    Elaborating Negative Retributivism.Richard L. Lippke - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 5 (1).
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  23.  19
    Hermeneutics as cross-cultural encounter: Obstacles to understanding.Richard L. Rohrbaugh - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (2).
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    Organizing and the Revitalization of American Catholicism.Richard L. Wood - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):398-418.
    American Catholicism today struggles to sustain its longtime character as a truly “public religion”—that is, a religious tradition with a vital presence within the public sphere in the US. Reinvigorating Catholicism in the US will require both internal renewal and new approaches to public life, both of which will require continuity with the deep tradition and significant reorientation of ecclesial dynamics. This paper argues that specific, faith-based community organizing practices can help renew the public voice of Catholicism. In adopting such (...)
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    Ancient China in Transition: An Analysis of Social Mobility, 722-222 B. C.Richard L. Walker & Cho-yun Hsu - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (3):326.
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  26. Classical logic with non-referring names.Richard L. Epstein - 2005 - Logique Et Analyse 48 (192):189-207.
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  27.  19
    Central Andean Language Expansion and the Chavin Sphere of Interaction.Richard L. Burger - 2012 - In Burger Richard L., Archaeology and Language in the Andes. pp. 135.
    This chapter explores the possibility that the development of the Chavín Horizon may have stimulated the expansion of one of the major central Andean language families, particularly Aymara, once spread much more widely and further north than today. Pre-Chavín cultures on the coast and in the highlands are reviewed and found to be unlikely sources of this expansion. While the Chavín Horizon may provide a possible source for the first expansion of Aymara, in terms of both its chronology and widespread (...)
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  28.  12
    The parting of the ways: how esoteric Judaism and Christianity influenced the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.Richard L. Kradin - 2016 - Boston: Academic Studies Press.
    "This book explores the religious underpinnings of psychoanalysis and examines how the tenets of Judaism and Christianity specifically influenced the theories and practices of Freud and Jung, respectively. It demonstrates that secular psychoanalysis is in large measure a revision of religious principles contained within the Judeo-Christian ethic and questions whether Freud's and Jung's approaches may best be suited to the psychological configurations of their fellow religionists." -- Back cover.
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  29.  13
    Introduction: Two philosophies of communication.Richard L. Lanigan - 1982 - Semiotica 41 (1-4):1-4.
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    Human embodiment.L. Lanigan Richard - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (1):257-287.
    Communicology is the science of human communication. This definition derives from the use of semiotic phenomenology as a logic based method to determine how human beings come to endow themselves and found their world with meaning. Such an analysis inevitably leads to a description of certain metaphysical and epistemological absolutes: Edmund Husserl’s absolute that “subjectivity is intersubjectivity”, Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s subsequent absolute that “the body is our general medium for having a world”, and the combinatory absolute suggested by Merleau-Ponty that “It (...)
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  31.  14
    Semiotic Phenomenology of Rhetoric: Eidetic Practice in Henry Grattan's Discourse on Tolerance.Richard L. Lanigan - 1984 - University Press of America.
    The first concrete presentation of phenomenological method in the philosophy of communication and the first systematic look at Henry Grattan, 18thó19th century Irish statesman. Individual chapters cover the method of semiotic phenomenology as it applies to the specific practice of rhetorical criticism and to the general use of phenomenology as a research procedure. Co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.
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    An Activation‐Based Model of Sentence Processing as Skilled Memory Retrieval.Richard L. Lewis & Shravan Vasishth - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (3):375-419.
    We present a detailed process theory of the moment‐by‐moment working‐memory retrievals and associated control structure that subserve sentence comprehension. The theory is derived from the application of independently motivated principles of memory and cognitive skill to the specialized task of sentence parsing. The resulting theory construes sentence processing as a series of skilled associative memory retrievals modulated by similarity‐based interference and fluctuating activation. The cognitive principles are formalized in computational form in the Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational (ACT–R) architecture, and our (...)
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  33.  47
    From Tacit Knowing to a Theory of Faith.Richard L. Gelwick - 2014 - Tradition and Discovery 41 (1):10-20.
    Both Polanyi and many of his interpreters saw the implications of tacit knowing for restoring the Augustinian principle that faith precedes understanding. Polanyi’s contribution to the rediscovery of the essential role of faith in the achievement of knowledge has, however, had a limited impact in science, philosophy, and in Christian theology. Polanyi’s epistemological contribution, nevertheless, is much more than a restoration and a reformulation of tradition. Tacit knowing provides a new vehicle for deeper interpersonal understanding.
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    Through the Looking Glass: Discovering the Cosmology of Mind, with Implications for Medicine, Psychology and Spirituality.Richard L. Amoroso - 2012 - In Ingrid Fredriksson, Aspects of consciousness: essays on physics, death and the mind. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co.. pp. 147.
  35.  81
    Colossians 1:15–28.Richard L. Christensen - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (3):318-320.
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    The nonequivalency of saving life and not taking life.Richard L. Trammell - 1979 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 4 (3):251-262.
  37. Realizing Nature in the Self: Schelling on Art and Intellectual Intuition in the System of Transcendental Idealism.Richard L. Velkley - 1997 - In David Klemm and Zöller, Figuring the Self. SUNY Press. pp. 149--168.
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    A limited defense of what some will regard as entrapment.Richard L. Lippke - 2017 - Legal Theory 23 (4):283-306.
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    Embodiment.Richard L. Lanigan - 1995 - Semiotics:354-364.
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    Facilitation effect of incomplete reward reduction in discrimination: Comparison of within-subject and between-subject methods.Richard L. Patten - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (1):185.
  41.  36
    Walton on power and evil.Richard L. Purtill - 1975 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (3):163 - 166.
  42.  12
    Montaigne and the Theater of the Self.Richard L. Regosin - 2007 - Mediaevalia 28 (2):103-120.
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  43.  59
    Objects and existence: reflections on free logic.Richard L. Mendelsohn - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 30 (4):604-623.
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    Nord-sud and cubist poetry.Richard L. Admussen - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (1):21-25.
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  45. AGICH, GEORGE, J. Joining the Team: Ethics Consultation at the Cleveland Clinic.Richard L. Allman, Mark Bernstein, Kerry Bowman Should, Kerry Bowman, Mark Bernstein Should & Munchausen Syndrome Proxy - 2003 - HEC Forum 15 (4):386-388.
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    Science and the primacy of consciousness: intimation of a 21st century revolution.Richard L. Amoroso (ed.) - 2000 - Orinda, CA: Noetic Press.
  47. The Postmodern Ground of Communicology: Subverting the Forgetfulness of Rationality.Richard L. Lanigan - 1995 - American Journal of Semiotics 11 (1/2):5-21.
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    Crane Brinton's Pattern and the Chinese Revolution of 1911.Richard L. Mumford - 1981 - Journal of the History of Ideas 42 (4):707.
  49.  16
    In defense of dualism: Competing and complementary frameworks in religious studies and the sociology of religion.Richard L. Wood - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (3):292-298.
    The term “dualism” is used in quite divergent connotations across religious studies, sociology, theology, anthropology, and other academic fields. This paper characterizes the differing usages of the term, and uses them to explore the sometimes-converging and sometimes-orthogonal relationship between academic fields, with a focus on religious studies and the sociology of religion. I argue that although the two fields have mutually benefited from insights originating on either side of their divide—and thus converged in important ways—substantive differences remain. Their differing understandings (...)
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    The church translation test.Richard L. Mendelsohn - 1989 - Metaphilosophy 20 (1):43–50.
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